Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Purple Sunbird Male - Female

First time, able to see Purple Sunbird at Pawapuri, Rajasthan.

Taking Flight...

Arrival of Purple Sunbird - Female...

Wish, can see one day in Breeding Plumage...


vaibhav pandya said...


gods beauty,,
thanks for sharing, it just to being with god and seeing his beauty. in sense seeing god in his creation.

eti shubham

Anonymous said...

cute lil bird on Tecoma plant..

in Banaskantha-Rajasthan belt one can see number of sunbirds !!

I came to know that Tecoma petal is one of the favourite food of sparrows, so m going to plant these plant in villages in monsoon..

cute shots Hets !!

Anonymous said...

jyaa male bethu tu, perfect e j jagyae female bethi 6e ?!!